PayPal has recently become the most popular payment method, considering it offers 21-day buyer protection. The company has become the most dominant digital payment provider, with 429 million active accounts in March 2022.

How To Recover Money From Paypal?

  • You can first try contacting the merchant privately, which is what PayPal usually advises. With commercial transactions, this approach may give results. With scam brokers, however, your attempt is doomed to fail.

    Therefore, you need to submit a dispute; luckily, it’s quite simple to do it. You have 180 days from the transaction to open a dispute by navigating to the Resolution Center.

    From there, click on “Report a Problem” and choose the relevant reason for the dispute. You will see several options, so choose the one that best describes your case. Then, you have 20 days to negotiate with the merchant, and if nothing works, you must escalate the dispute to PayPal’s official claims system.

Why Do I Need Us For That?

First, not everyone is tech-savvy, so assistance can be more than welcome. Other than that, you’re ensuring yourself constant support.

  • We will evaluate your case in detail and confirm whether you have the right to file a dispute
  • We’ll collect the necessary evidence
  • We’ll deal with the bureaucracy and handle all the paperwork
  • We’ll keep you updated about all the steps and progress we make
  • We’ll protect your rights during the entire procedure.

هل تعرضت للاحتيال عبر الإنترنت؟

نحن هنا من أجلكم جميعًا الذين وقعوا ضحية لأي نوع من أنواع الاحتيال عبر الإنترنت.

فريقنا جاهز لتتبع أموالك، بغض النظر عن مدى خطورة الوضع، واستعادة حقك في الملكية.

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